His almost-exclusive relationship with Johnny Depp, which started with the Corpse Bride and Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, seems to be paying off as the pair keep putting out high-quality work. With the addition of Helena Bonham Carter, who also starred in the Corpse Bride, the cast is top-notch, and boy can they sing! I also want to add how great a pair Depp and Carter make on screen so I hope to see them together in other films (hopefully directed by Burton again!).
No one else could have attempted to match Burton's take on the famous serial killer and his partner-in-crime and make it such a success at the box office too. The way he tells their stories, dreams and desires prove to be emotionally strong accompanied by the musical pieces. Burton effectively manages not to be bound by the music but to use it to his advantage for full effect. As a director who uses music extensively in his work, he has become a master at integrating it in his films and has proven once again that he should be watched closely. I can't wait to see his take on Alice in Wonderland due to be released in 2010. I wonder if Carter will play the little Alice herself...
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